About Behavioral Health 360º
Launched in 2018, BH360º provides business, marketing and software resources for substance abuse and mental health counselors to help them connect with more people online who suffer from alcoholism, drug addiction, mental health issues or other behavioral health challenges.
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Founder & Editor
Hi, I’m Michele Vincent.
I launched BehavioralHealth360.com to leverage my 11 years of enterprise-level Marketing and Sales to help behavioral health professionals improve their online digital presence and connect with more patients and their families. Why?
I grew up in an family environment that included alcohol addiction and mental illness and those struggles have continued, mostly untreated, throughout my adult life. I’ve experienced first-hand the impact that those untreated diseases have on relationships and have made it my mission to help practitioners implement inbound marketing strategies to connect with more prospective patients and their families that need help.
I’ve recently found much support through attending Al-Anon meetings and highly recommend that anyone who grew up with an alcoholic parent attend a group specifically for Adult Children of Alcoholics.
Al-Anon is worldwide fellowship that offers a program of recovery for the families and friends of alcoholics, whether or not the alcoholic recognizes the existence of a drinking problem or seeks help.